The AVCP Regional Housing Authority (AVCP RHA) was formed to address the housing needs of Alaskan Natives in Southwest Alaska. The Housing Authority provides housing services to 56 federally recognized Alaskan Natives tribes in 48 villages in an area the size of the state of Wisconsin. Under what some would say are challenging environmental conditions, AVCP RHA has constructed over 1,500 homes in 48 villages.
In March 2004 Norman and a colleague delivered a three day training and consulting session to AVCP RHA. Participants included staff members from all levels of the organization and the Board of Commissioners. The organization received training in four subject areas: 1) Collections, 2) Admissions & Occupancy, 3) Financial Management & Budgets, and 4) the conveyance process.
Through a combination of formal presentations and participant discussions facilitated by Norman, each of the subject areas was covered. Reference materials were given to each participant.
Some of the tangible results and benefits were as follows.
1) COLLECTIONS. The organization developed its own detailed operational plan
in order to increase resident compliance regarding their monthly house
2) ADMISSIONS & OCCUPANCY (A &O). Reference materials and instruction
were provided in order to improve the knowledge and skills of the A & O
Dept. staff people.
3) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & BUDGETS. Staff people were able to increase their
knowledge of these topics so as to be able to teach these topics to the staff
of sub recipient Tribes.
4) CONVEYANCE PROCESS. Staff people responsible for completing the conveyance
of paid off homes developed a better understanding of the process in order to
do their work.